Charisma and Spirituality

Spiritualitatea The spirituality of the Congregation of the Mother of God is based on:Congregaţia Surorilor Maicii Domnului

  • - meditating and living the Word of God;

  • - imitating the Holy Virgin Mary – Mother of God;

  • - specific Greek-Catholic liturgical prayer;

  • - living in a monastic spirit.

Meditating and living the Word

Personal engagement in following Christ is based upon meditating and living the Word of God, in a never ending conversion to the spirit of the Good News (Gospel).

Keeping and meditating the Word of God in their hearts, like Mary did, the Sisters progressively open up towards knowing and fulfilling God’s will. Through daily meditation, the sisters deepen their knowledge of Jesus Christ – The Way, The Truth and The Life, who illuminates and sustains their giving of life.

Imitating the Holy Virgin Mary

Since its very foundation, the Congregation was put under the protection of the Mother of God. Besides the profound devotion towards Mary, the Sisters strive to follow the life and serving example of the Mother of God. Like her, they work towards living in a spirit of faith, obeying God’s will, with humility, readiness and discretion in their ministry.

Prin Carisma Through the Charisma the Sisters of the CMG received from their Founding Father, as a particular gift of the Holy Spirit, they are called to receive, with faith, the mystery of Christ and to pay it forward to their neighbour, following the example of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. These characteristics grant to the Congregation a Marian spirituality, which orients the life of prayer and the apostolic work of the Sisters. chemate să primească în credinţă misterul lui Cristos şi să-L dăruiască aproapelui lor, urmând modelul Preasfintei Fecioare Maria. Aceste trăsături conferă Congregaţiei o spiritualitate mariană, care orientează viaţa de rugăciune şi de apostolat a Surorilor.

Sharing in the values of the Greek-Catholic Church

Being part of the Romanian United Greek-Catholic Church, the Sisters share in the spiritual values of the Church they belong to. The life of prayer of the Sisters is structured upon the Byzantine Liturgical Year. The day to day life follows the rhythm of the Divine Liturgy and the prayers of Lauds, celebrated in the Byzantine rite, that sanctify and transform their lives, the time and space in which the Sisters live and work.
